Dear Spirit-filled believer,
Grace to you, and peace!
I have a revelation
To make your faith increase.
For God has whispered to me
A promise from His Word.
Just spend a moment with me.
I'll tell you what I've heard.
God's Christ told His disciples,
That when the Spirit came,
Then they would be His witnesses,
And baptize in His Name.
That power that dwells within us-
The power of Pentecost,
Is supernatural power
To witness to the lost.
To tell the world of Jesus,
To baptize and to preach,
To make of men disciples,
To edify and teach,
To tell of dreams and visions,
To stretch out hands to heal,
To call men to repentance
With unrelenting zeal.
We have the power to do this!
Our duty, we'll not shirk.
We have a holy calling,
And we must do this work
Of witnessing for Jesus
To turn His own to Him,
While bearing this world's hatred,
And risking life and limb.
The world will kill God's prophets.
They always have before.
They can destroy the body,
But they can do no more.
That power that dwells within you
Will make an end of strife,
For it is the promise
Of everlasting life!
So stand in this assurance:
God's power is still the same,
So make your stand for Jesus,
And witness in His Name!
June 24, 2015